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1998 ~ Five Veterans from Five Wars

Five veterans, one each from World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm reflect on their lives in the military and contrast their widely varying experiences.Panelists

War images from 5 wars
Clockwise: Vietnam, Desert Storm, Korea, WWII, WWI


J. Robert Bullock, , Skipper of Navy LCF, WWII

Glen LaPine, Paratrooper 82nd Airborne Div., WWII

William D. Rice, Navy minesweeper officer, WWII

Carl M. Mott, Army artillery, Vietnam

Terry Updegrove, Army, Desert Storm

Kenneth Burnett, Army, World War I

Bill Jaecke, Army infantry, Korea

Robert Hinckley, Army Air Force B-24 crew, WWII

Allan Pixton, Army engineers, Omaha Beach, WWII